Resume Writing Do's and Don'ts April 6, 2017 There are some general guidelines that should be followed if you want your resume to stand out from your competition. While some resume writing rules can be open to interpretation, there are others that almost every hiring manager will agree on. These are the do’s and don’ts of writing an…
5 Ways to Create a Unique Cover Letter November 29, 2018 Highlight the right things. The vast majority of your cover letter should be focused on highlighting your experiences that relate to the specific role you are applying for. “Use the job description as a guideline for the functional “hot buttons” the company is looking for in a new hire” (Patrick…
Taking Charge of Your Career: A Roadmap for Every Stage September 16, 2024 Navigating your career path can be challenging, especially as you progress through different stages of your professional life. Regardless of whether you're a recent graduate, a seasoned expert or somewhere in between, advancing your career requires careful planning, strategic thinking, and proactive effort. Here’s how to tackle every stage of…
4 Updates That Can Impact Your Resume May 2, 2019 Is your job search overwhelming you? Is your resume in need of revamping? Don’t worry, CFS has you covered! Check out these small but critical changes you can make to your resume today! Restructure The design and format of your resume matters. As you revamp your resume, focus on consistency…
Negotiating Your Salary June 28, 2022 As you approach the final steps of the interview process, be sure to keep these salary negotiation tips in mind. For more tips and tricks, contact a CFS recruiter today. Click here to download as a PDF…
21 Resume Power Words August 1, 2019 For more helpful resume tips, reach out to a CFS recruiter today. Click here to find a location near you!…